1st edition "ON THE MUSIC WAVES"
Ildikó Barta
with the song "Találkozások" ("Encounters")
"The compositional structure of the piece is truly excellent in all its constituent aspects. The use of harmony, unusual and surprising, is based on the oscillation between the different degrees of the two tonalities used with a frequent use of the interrupted cadence and of the secondary dominants.
"The compositional structure of the piece is truly excellent in all its constituent aspects. The use of harmony, unusual and surprising, is based on the oscillation between the different degrees of the two tonalities used with a frequent use of the interrupted cadence and of the secondary dominants.
The melodic line of the voice is excellently calibrated in the skilful distribution of the first upper and then lower appogiaturas which make the singing extremely balanced. The text, which is ideally linked to the naturalistic metaphors of popular tradition, manifests its intrinsic originality, revealing an unusual poetic dimension in the interlacing between the story and the exchange of emotions between the lovers, creating a suggestive imaginary vision. The singer's voice is very beautiful, with a timbre that recalls typical sounds of traditional Hungarian music, more generally of Eastern Europe, but at the same time clearly manifests her singularity. The interpretation is able to convey a powerful emotionality and fits perfectly into the context that the song intends to evoke".
Mikor először láttalak,
rózsa voltam egy ringó ágon.
Remegve hajoltam arcodhoz.
Szakíts le engem, csak erre vágyom!
Elhajtottad az utadból az ágat,
Kezedre hullt a könnyem.
Te harmatnak vélted, letörölted.
Észre sem vettél, otthagytál engem
Mikor másodszor láttalak,
Pillangó voltam egy tarka réten.
Fény villant szemedben, s már futottál is,
Hisz engem kutattál, kerestél régen.
De felrepültem én a kéklő égbe,
Csalódott arcodat még egyre láttam,
Oly jó volt nékem szenvedésed látni,
S nevettem hangtalan lepke-kacagással.
S tegnap újra találkoztam véled.
Lány alakban kerültem eléd.
Szaladtál velem, már-már elértél.
De bosszút esküdt ellenünk az ég.
Sűrű, fehér köd szakadt a tájra.
S nem láttam már kedves alakod.
Csak hangod szólt még hívogatón,
De hiába feleltem -Itt vagyok!
Te többé már nem találhatsz énrám...
Ragyognak fölöttem a csillagok.
A Földön hiába szállt fel a köd.
...Hideg az Űr. S én egyedül vagyok.
You drove the branch out of your way,
My tears fell on your hands
You thought it was dew, you wiped it away.
You didn't notice me, you left me
The second time I saw you
I was a butterfly in a meadow
A light flashed in your eyes, and you ran,
You were searching for me, looking for me
But I flew up to the blue sky
I saw your disappointed face
It was so good to see you suffer,
I laughed with a butterfly's chuckle
And yesterday I met you again.
I came to you in the form of a girl.
You ran with me, you almost reached me.
But heaven swore vengeance on us.
A thick, white mist fell on the landscape.
And I could no longer see your lovely form.
Only your voice was still calling,
But I answered in vain, "Here I am!
You can find me no more...
The stars are shining above me.
The mist has risen on earth in vain.
... It's cold in space. And I am alone.
The first time I saw you,
I was a rose on a swaying branch.
I leaned trembling to your face.
Tear me off, that's all I want!
I was a rose on a swaying branch.
I leaned trembling to your face.
Tear me off, that's all I want!
You drove the branch out of your way,
My tears fell on your hands
You thought it was dew, you wiped it away.
You didn't notice me, you left me
The second time I saw you
I was a butterfly in a meadow
A light flashed in your eyes, and you ran,
You were searching for me, looking for me
But I flew up to the blue sky
I saw your disappointed face
It was so good to see you suffer,
I laughed with a butterfly's chuckle
And yesterday I met you again.
I came to you in the form of a girl.
You ran with me, you almost reached me.
But heaven swore vengeance on us.
A thick, white mist fell on the landscape.
And I could no longer see your lovely form.
Only your voice was still calling,
But I answered in vain, "Here I am!
You can find me no more...
The stars are shining above me.
The mist has risen on earth in vain.
... It's cold in space. And I am alone.