FAQ - On The Music Waves

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F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

1-Where does the contest take place? Will there be live dates with live performances?
The contest takes place by sending the pieces by e-mail or links online, there will be no live dates or face-to-face auditions and there will be no online performances.

2-Are there elimination rounds?
There are no intermediate elimination stages, the names of the artists and the titles of the pieces that will win the first 3 places in the standings and any extra prizes indicated in the regulation will be announced directly on our social channels and on the official websites of our Associations. The winners will also receive direct communication in the e-mail that the applicants have indicated in the registration form.

3-How will my song be rated?
The jury will evaluate the quality of the composition and the originality of the piece.

4-Can I send a cover?
For this edition covers are not allowed in the contest, we reserve the right to give a space to this category in the future.

5-Can I participate with a video?
Yes. It is possible to send the link to a video with your performance (live or studio) or a videoclip of the song.

6-Is there an enrollment fee?
Yes, there is a registration fee, you will find the indications and the cost in the regulation in article 11.

7-Why do I have to pay a registration fee?
Our Associations are self-financed without the help of state funds and/or sponsors. We have chosen to self-finance the contest to have full freedom and autonomy and to guarantee neutrality in the results. The registration fees are used to support all expenses related to the contest (administrative office, advertising, jury, prizes, fees, website and other management costs).

8-How do I have one of my piece (or more pieces) evaluated in the contest?
To participate, the piece are sent by e-mail together with the registration form and the payment receipt. All the pieces sent according to the procedure indicated in the regulation are consequently admitted to the contest.

9- I am a performer of original songs (I didn't write my song, but I am the only performer and have authors and composers who write for me) can I participate?
Yes, you can participate. It is possible to send the song by specifying in the lyrics text all the names of the authors and composers. This answer also applies to duos and bands.

10- We are a band and we write the songs together (or even just one member of the band), who signs up for the contest?
Only one representative of the band can register by specifying in the lyrics text all the names of the authors and composers of the song.

11-Where can I find the application form?
The participation form can be found on the ENTRY page (click here).

Read the regulation
with all the indications - click here.

Statistiche accessi
Cultural Association - Rome
Associazione Culturale - Roma
C.F. 90096860581
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